"What we are today is a result of our own past actions. Whatever we wish to be in the future depends on our present actions; deceide how you want to act now.
We are responsible for what are, whatever we wish ourselves to be. We have the power to make ourselves."
"I am only one; but still I am one. I can not do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do." ~~ Helen Keller
Since everybody is an individual, nobody can be you. You are unique. No one else can tell you how to use your time. It is yours.Your life is your own, You mold it. You make it. ==========~~ Eleanor Roosevelt.
"Whatever you give to life, it will give back to you. Do not hate anybody. The hateed which comes out from you will someday come back to you. Love others and love will come back to you." .....~~ author unknoen
"But those who wait upon the LORD shall renew their strenth: They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary. They shall run and not faint. ...________________________ ~~ Isaiah 40:31
Just the other day as I was walking into a China King, a young man said "what a lousy day". It was raining and I guess the rain did not fit into his plans. I replied to him - "When you get to be my age and you see yourself in the mirror it is a great day". I don't know how the weather is where you are but no matter what the weather is like it is a perfect day! ~~ John Butcher